Wholesale Contacts

Vistakon Contact Lenses

Developments In Vistakon Contact Lenses

Ever since the revolution of contact lenses in the late 1980's, millions of people have been switching from hard, permanent contacts or glasses to disposable contacts. Before that time, contacts were extremely expensive, often uncomfortable, and easy to destroy. Many a time have people cringed when they heard the unmistakable crunch of a contact being crushed underfoot. Although many people have heard of Acuvue brand contact lenses, very few people are aware that soft disposable contact lenses are actually Vistakon contact lenses. Vistakon is a division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care.

I personally have worn glasses since I was in second grade, and can't tell you the amount of teasing I took and what a hassle it was to try to run around and be a normal kid wearing glasses. They were forever slipping off my face or getting bent out of shape. And forget about wearing sunglasses! Finally, when I was a sophomore in high school my parents consented to let me wear Vistakon contact lenses. I started with the original Acuvue contacts, and have stuck with them ever since. I remember first trying to wear contacts, and what a difficult time I had with them. It took me almost a week just to get them into my eyes in under an hour! However, soon I was wearing my Vistakon contact lenses with no trouble. What I like best about Vistakon contact lenses is that often I can put them in my eyes in the morning and forget all about them until it is time to go to bed. This is especially true since I switched to the Aucuvue 2 contacts. They hold more moisture in my eyes, which is especially beneficial during the allergy season, and allow more oxygen to flow through the contacts as well.

Since Vistakon contact lenses were first developed, there have been amazing transformations in the technology and science that goes into them. As I previously mentioned, the original Aucuvue contacts not the only lens on the market. There are at least eight other kinds of Vistakon contact lenses, including bifocals! Can you imagine wearing bifocal contacts? No more putting on and off reading glasses, or forever tilting your face up and down to get just the right angle on whatever you are trying to read. Instead, these contacts have a ring around the outside designed to improve close up vision, and the center takes care of distance. Another major change is the availability of contact for people with astigmatism. This misshaping of the eyes used to be an automatic rejection for contacts. However, with the innovations that Vistakon has developed, this is simply no longer the case.

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